COBOL Fans, I've been trying out 3-1-rc1. Either the screen section is ignoring the underline keyword, or I'm overlooking something simple. With a field definition like: 05 SCR-ITEM-DESCRIPTION1 PIC X(60) COLUMN 19 AUTO FOREGROUND-COLOR SCR-ITEM-DESCRIPTION-COLOR HIGHLIGHT BACKGROUND-COLOR BLACK UNDERLINE USING IF-ITEM-DESCRIPTION1. the field is filled with underscore characters, but they disappear as I type. If I add PROMPT CHARACTER IS " ", the field isn't underlined at all. Am I missing something simple? Should PROMPT CHARACTER IS SPACE also work? The compiler didn't like that. Is there a way to set the prompt character for an entire screen or entire program? I prefer to underline input fields with the UNDERLINE keyword, which worked in previous versions, though I had to patch screenio.c in previous versions to change the prompt character. -- Kevin Bruceville, TX What's the definition of a legacy system? One that works! Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.