Am 19.05.2020 um 01:27 schrieb James K. Lowden: > Is there a static alternative to COB_PRE_LOAD? > > I would like to compile my Cobol program, linked to Cobol libraries, > without relying on any runtime configuration. > > [...] > > i would like the user to use the program without requiring runtime > configuration that is simply a by-product of the fact that the program > was written in Cobol. > > --jkl > The common way to link COBOL to COBOL is to use statically linking and only produce one executable. This *should* be covered in the GnuCOBOL manual. Either something like cobc -static bar.cob foo.cob or (likely more reasonable with bigger environments using make) something like the following all: foobar SUFFIXES = .cob .$(COB_OBJECT_EXT) FOOBAR_OBJECTS = foo.$(COB_OBJECT_EXT) bar.$(COB_OBJECT_EXT) .cob.$(COB_OBJECT_EXT): cobc -static -c $< foobar: $(FOOBAR_OBJECTS) cobc -static $(FOOBAR_OBJECTS) $< Simon