Hy (foreword) personally, i am a real COBOL hater, because i would appreciate it, to program with JAVA, but ... there is some work to do now. And it has to be in COBOL, so tried some COBOL compilers to work with and found out, that OpenCOBOL is now for me an ideal means to develop and test some coding. Iff gnu-3 is standard, i think that i will change to GNU-cobol, but that is future for now !! Thanks for you ambitious work, it is a great help for me ! (foreword-end) Now for some completly different. I do have some problems in using a debugger, showing the steps in COBOL. Since OpenCOBOL compiles the statements into C, i actually only see the intermediate C code. Is there a chance to view the COBOL code, while debugging ? Groovy targit GmbH bei: Christian Groove mailto: christian.groove.extern@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx