Have a COBOL course that went thru this semester, and have the gnu-cobol working fine on my Fedora 23 machines. Have some students that don't have access to linux, so wanted to setup a way for them to do it with windows. Didn't want to setup something using the Microsoft C compiler, since as I understand it, it can only be used for evaluation purposes, and not for anything if it is free. Did some testing using Cygwin, and some things works and others didn't. Perhaps someone has done this more on this. I originally tried the 1.1 version, but the make check showed lots of failed tests. The version 2 I tried didn't have any test fail, but did show that some where skipped? Was trying things, so didn't take full notes, so probable installed some things there were not needed, but may have not installed something that would fix the few issues I still see. On Fedora I use gedit for the editor, but haven't figured how to get that to work. It has installed, but then comes with a message that it can not connect? Just switched to using nano instead for now. Here are the notes I had been making for students, but ended up just making a 7z archive of the cygwin directory, and it appears to work on similar machines, so havign to go the the process is simpler. Notes: Download cygwin setup program setup-x86_64.exe run it used defaults, but used http://mirros.kernel.org for site Additional Packages needed for gnu cobol search gcc under Devel added gcc-c* and Libs gmp - Devel Lib -Libgmpdevel libdb - Database ncurses make diff (Ran make check, and everything failed since the diff command was missing) Additional ones I needed for my setup nano dos2unix zip and unzip ncftp dialog Downloaded gnu-cobol-2.0_nightly_r658.tar.gz extracted and installed make check shows 17 test skipped, but no failures Results from earlier test using cobol-1.1 I was seeing test failures, but it may have been something was missing. ## --------------------------------------- ## ## OpenCOBOL 1.1 test suite: Syntax Tests. ## ## --------------------------------------- ## ## ------------- ## ## Test results. ## ## ------------- ## All 77 tests were successful. PASS: ./syntax ## ------------------------------------ ## ## OpenCOBOL 1.1 test suite: Run Tests. ## ## ------------------------------------ ## 34: LOCAL-STORAGE FAILED (misc.at:84) 35: EXTERNAL data item FAILED (misc.at:126) 36: EXTERNAL AS data item FAILED (misc.at:172) 37: cobcrun validation FAILED (misc.at:214) 49: CALL m1. CALL m2. CALL m1. FAILED (misc.at:521) 78: Sticky LINKAGE FAILED (misc.at:1468) 79: COB_PRE_LOAD test FAILED (misc.at:1492) 80: COB_LOAD_CASE=UPPER test FAILED (misc.at:1516) 84: CALL with OMITTED parameter FAILED (misc.at:1626) 85: ANY LENGTH FAILED (misc.at:1666) 96: CALL unusual PROGRAM-ID. FAILED (extensions.at:460) 105: NUMBER-OF-CALL-PARAMETERS FAILED (extensions.at:745) 106: PROCEDURE DIVISION USING BY ... FAILED (extensions.at:797) 109: ENTRY FAILED (extensions.at:885) 124: RETURN-CODE passing FAILED (return-code.at:85) ## ------------- ## ## Test results. ## ## ------------- ## ## -------------------- ## ## run.log was created. ## ## -------------------- ## Please send `run.log' and all information you think might help: To: <open-cobol-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [OpenCOBOL 1.1] run: 34 35 36 37 49 78 79 80 84 85 96 105 106 109 124 failed You may investigate any problem if you feel able to do so, in which case the test suite provides a good starting point. FAIL: ./run ## Run time tests with -O option ## ## ------------------------------------ ## ## OpenCOBOL 1.1 test suite: Run Tests. ## ## ------------------------------------ ## 34: LOCAL-STORAGE FAILED (misc.at:84) 35: EXTERNAL data item FAILED (misc.at:126) 36: EXTERNAL AS data item FAILED (misc.at:172) 37: cobcrun validation FAILED (misc.at:214) 49: CALL m1. CALL m2. CALL m1. FAILED (misc.at:521) 78: Sticky LINKAGE FAILED (misc.at:1468) 79: COB_PRE_LOAD test FAILED (misc.at:1492) 80: COB_LOAD_CASE=UPPER test FAILED (misc.at:1516) 84: CALL with OMITTED parameter FAILED (misc.at:1626) 85: ANY LENGTH FAILED (misc.at:1666) 96: CALL unusual PROGRAM-ID. FAILED (extensions.at:460) 105: NUMBER-OF-CALL-PARAMETERS FAILED (extensions.at:745) 106: PROCEDURE DIVISION USING BY ... FAILED (extensions.at:797) 109: ENTRY FAILED (extensions.at:885) 124: RETURN-CODE passing FAILED (return-code.at:85) ## ------------- ## ## Test results. ## ## ------------- ## ## -------------------- ## ## run.log was created. ## ## -------------------- ## Please send `run.log' and all information you think might help: To: <open-cobol-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [OpenCOBOL 1.1] run: 34 35 36 37 49 78 79 80 84 85 96 105 106 109 124 failed You may investigate any problem if you feel able to do so, in which case the test suite provides a good starting point. FAIL: ./run-O ## ---------------------------------------------- ## ## OpenCOBOL 1.1 test suite: Data Representation. ## ## ---------------------------------------------- ## ## ------------- ## ## Test results. ## ## ------------- ## All 17 tests were successful. PASS: ./data-rep ## Data representation tests with -O option ## ## ---------------------------------------------- ## ## OpenCOBOL 1.1 test suite: Data Representation. ## ## ---------------------------------------------- ## ## ------------- ## ## Test results. ## ## ------------- ## All 17 tests were successful. PASS: ./data-rep-O ====================================================== 2 of 5 tests failed Please report to open-cobol-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ====================================================== Makefile:417: recipe for target 'check-TESTS' failed make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/Student/open-cobol-1.1/tests' Makefile:533: recipe for target 'check-am' failed make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/Student/open-cobol-1.1/tests' Makefile:291: recipe for target 'check-recursive' failed make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/Student/open-cobol-1.1/tests' Makefile:339: recipe for target 'check-recursive' failed make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/Student/open-cobol-1.1' Makefile:611: recipe for target 'check' failed +----------------------------------------------------------+ Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor Guam Community College Computer Center mailto:mikes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mailto:msetzerii@xxxxxxxxx Guam - Where America's Day Begins G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer http://sourceforge.net/projects/g4l/ +----------------------------------------------------------+ http://setiathome.berkeley.edu (Original) Number of Seti Units Returned: 19,471 Processing time: 32 years, 290 days, 12 hours, 58 minutes (Total Hours: 287,489) BOINC@HOME CREDITS ABC 16613838.513356 | EINSTEIN 87525353.785695 ROSETTA 40117323.878181 | SETI 74413803.416125 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month Monitor end-to-end web transactions and take corrective actions now Troubleshoot faster and improve end-user experience. Signup Now! http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=272487151&iu=/4140 _______________________________________________ open-cobol-list mailing list open-cobol-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/open-cobol-list