Re: F_SETLK fails after recovery

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The logs from the recovering node are attached. If you need the same from the other node I will get them tonight.

On Sep 2, 2014, at 12:42 PM, David Teigland <teigland@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> We need to sort out which nodes are sending/receiving plock data to/from
> each other.  The way it's supposed to work, is an existing node is
> supposed to write its plock data into a checkpoint, then do
> send_plocks_stored() to notify the new node that the data is ready.  The
> new node is then supposed to receive_plocks_stored(), and read the plock
> data from the checkpoint.
> I could get a better picture if you save and send the output of
> dlm_tool dump > dlm_dump.txt
> dlm_tool log_plock > dlm_plock.txt
> after the problem occurs.

1409631949 clvmd prepare_plocks
1409631949 clvmd receive_plocks_stored 2:5 flags a sig 0 need_plocks 1
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 prepare_plocks
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 receive_plocks_stored 2:6 flags a sig 2f6b need_plocks 1
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 prepare_plocks
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 receive_plocks_stored 2:8 flags a sig 2f6b need_plocks 1
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 retrieve_plocks first 0 last 0 r_count 0 p_count 0 sig 0
1409631946 logging mode 3 syslog f 160 p 6 logfile p 6 /var/log/cluster/dlm_controld.log
1409631946 dlm_controld started
1409631946 logging mode 3 syslog f 160 p 4 logfile p 4 /var/log/cluster/dlm_controld.log
1409631946 found /dev/misc/dlm-control minor 58
1409631946 found /dev/misc/dlm-monitor minor 57
1409631946 found /dev/misc/dlm_plock minor 56
1409631946 /dev/misc/dlm-monitor fd 12
1409631946 /sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/comms: opendir failed: 2
1409631946 /sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/spaces: opendir failed: 2
1409631946 cluster node 1 added seq 2244
1409631946 set_configfs_node 1 local 1
1409631946 cluster node 2 added seq 2244
1409631946 set_configfs_node 2 local 0
1409631946 totem/rrp_mode = 'none'
1409631946 set protocol 0
1409631946 group_mode 3 compat 0
1409631946 setup_cpg_daemon 15
1409631946 dlm:controld conf 2 1 0 memb 1 2 join 1 left
1409631946 run protocol from nodeid 2
1409631946 daemon run 1.1.1 max 1.1.1 kernel run 1.1.1 max 1.1.1
1409631946 plocks 18
1409631946 plock cpg message size: 104 bytes
1409631947 client connection 5 fd 19
1409631949 uevent: add@/kernel/dlm/clvmd
1409631949 kernel: add@ clvmd
1409631949 uevent: online@/kernel/dlm/clvmd
1409631949 kernel: online@ clvmd
1409631949 dlm:ls:clvmd conf 2 1 0 memb 1 2 join 1 left
1409631949 clvmd add_change cg 1 joined nodeid 1
1409631949 clvmd add_change cg 1 we joined
1409631949 clvmd add_change cg 1 counts member 2 joined 1 remove 0 failed 0
1409631949 clvmd check_fencing done
1409631949 clvmd check_quorum disabled
1409631949 clvmd check_fs none registered
1409631949 clvmd send_start cg 1 flags 1 data2 0 counts 0 2 1 0 0
1409631949 clvmd receive_start 1:1 len 80
1409631949 clvmd match_change 1:1 matches cg 1
1409631949 clvmd wait_messages cg 1 need 1 of 2
1409631949 clvmd receive_start 2:5 len 80
1409631949 clvmd match_change 2:5 matches cg 1
1409631949 clvmd wait_messages cg 1 got all 2
1409631949 clvmd start_kernel cg 1 member_count 2
1409631949 write "1090842362" to "/sys/kernel/dlm/clvmd/id"
1409631949 set_members mkdir "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/spaces/clvmd/nodes/1"
1409631949 set_members mkdir "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/spaces/clvmd/nodes/2"
1409631949 write "1" to "/sys/kernel/dlm/clvmd/control"
1409631949 write "0" to "/sys/kernel/dlm/clvmd/event_done"
1409631949 clvmd set_plock_ckpt_node from 0 to 2
1409631949 clvmd receive_plocks_stored 2:5 flags a sig 0 need_plocks 1
1409631949 clvmd match_change 2:5 matches cg 1
1409631949 clvmd retrieve_plocks
1409631949 retrieve_plocks ckpt open error 12 clvmd
1409631949 lockspace clvmd plock disabled our sig 816fb301 nodeid 2 sig 0
1409631949 uevent: add@/devices/virtual/misc/dlm_clvmd
1409631951 uevent: add@/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360
1409631951 kernel: add@ lvclusdidiz0360
1409631951 uevent: online@/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360
1409631951 kernel: online@ lvclusdidiz0360
1409631951 dlm:ls:lvclusdidiz0360 conf 2 1 0 memb 1 2 join 1 left
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 add_change cg 1 joined nodeid 1
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 add_change cg 1 we joined
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 add_change cg 1 counts member 2 joined 1 remove 0 failed 0
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 check_fencing done
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 check_quorum disabled
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 check_fs done
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 send_start cg 1 flags 1 data2 0 counts 0 2 1 0 0
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 receive_start 1:1 len 80
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 match_change 1:1 matches cg 1
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 wait_messages cg 1 need 1 of 2
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 receive_start 2:6 len 80
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 match_change 2:6 matches cg 1
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 wait_messages cg 1 got all 2
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 start_kernel cg 1 member_count 2
1409631951 write "1723768787" to "/sys/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360/id"
1409631951 set_members mkdir "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/spaces/lvclusdidiz0360/nodes/1"
1409631951 set_members mkdir "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/spaces/lvclusdidiz0360/nodes/2"
1409631951 write "1" to "/sys/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360/control"
1409631951 write "0" to "/sys/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360/event_done"
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 set_plock_ckpt_node from 0 to 2
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 receive_plocks_stored 2:6 flags a sig 2f6b need_plocks 1
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 match_change 2:6 matches cg 1
1409631951 lvclusdidiz0360 retrieve_plocks
1409631951 retrieve_plocks ckpt open error 12 lvclusdidiz0360
1409631951 lockspace lvclusdidiz0360 plock disabled our sig 816fba01 nodeid 2 sig 2f6b
1409634420 uevent: offline@/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360
1409634420 kernel: offline@ lvclusdidiz0360
1409634420 dlm:ls:lvclusdidiz0360 conf 1 0 1 memb 2 join left 1
1409634420 lvclusdidiz0360 confchg for our leave
1409634420 lvclusdidiz0360 stop_kernel cg 0
1409634420 write "0" to "/sys/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360/control"
1409634420 dir_member 2
1409634420 dir_member 1
1409634420 set_members rmdir "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/spaces/lvclusdidiz0360/nodes/2"
1409634420 set_members rmdir "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/spaces/lvclusdidiz0360/nodes/1"
1409634420 set_members lockspace rmdir "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/spaces/lvclusdidiz0360"
1409634420 write "0" to "/sys/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360/event_done"
1409634420 uevent: remove@/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360
1409634420 kernel: remove@ lvclusdidiz0360
1409634840 uevent: add@/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360
1409634840 kernel: add@ lvclusdidiz0360
1409634840 uevent: online@/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360
1409634840 kernel: online@ lvclusdidiz0360
1409634840 dlm:ls:lvclusdidiz0360 conf 2 1 0 memb 1 2 join 1 left
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 add_change cg 1 joined nodeid 1
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 add_change cg 1 we joined
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 add_change cg 1 counts member 2 joined 1 remove 0 failed 0
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 check_fencing done
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 check_quorum disabled
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 check_fs done
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 send_start cg 1 flags 1 data2 0 counts 0 2 1 0 0
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 receive_start 1:1 len 80
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 match_change 1:1 matches cg 1
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 wait_messages cg 1 need 1 of 2
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 receive_start 2:8 len 80
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 match_change 2:8 matches cg 1
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 wait_messages cg 1 got all 2
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 start_kernel cg 1 member_count 2
1409634840 write "1723768787" to "/sys/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360/id"
1409634840 set_members mkdir "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/spaces/lvclusdidiz0360/nodes/1"
1409634840 set_members mkdir "/sys/kernel/config/dlm/cluster/spaces/lvclusdidiz0360/nodes/2"
1409634840 write "1" to "/sys/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360/control"
1409634840 write "0" to "/sys/kernel/dlm/lvclusdidiz0360/event_done"
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 set_plock_ckpt_node from 0 to 2
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 receive_plocks_stored 2:8 flags a sig 2f6b need_plocks 1
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 match_change 2:8 matches cg 1
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 retrieve_plocks
1409634840 lvclusdidiz0360 retrieve_plocks first 0 last 0 r_count 0 p_count 0 sig 0
1409634840 lockspace lvclusdidiz0360 plock disabled our sig 0 nodeid 2 sig 2f6b
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