I hit this in a program I use to monitor 'clvmd' on a local and peer node:
989; [ DEBUG ] - get_daemon_state(); daemon: [clvmd], node: [peer]
1002; [ DEBUG ] - shell call: [/usr/bin/sshroot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"/etc/init.d/clvmd status; echo clvmd:\$?"]
1019; [ DEBUG ] - line: [clvmd (pid 4114 4098) is running...]
1011; [ DEBUG ] - peer::daemon::clvmd::rc: [143]
1019; [ DEBUG ] - line: [bash: line 1: 4096 Terminated
/etc/init.d/clvmd status]
Daemon: [clvmd] is in an unknown state on: [an-c07n02.alteeve.ca].
Status return code was: [143].
The line numbers and debug messages are my program, not clvmd. Any idea
why this would happen?
This was from a node that had just been intentionally crashed, was
fenced and booted back up.
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