NTP sync cause CNAM shutdown

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I post previous email asking what was wrong in my two nodes
cluster.conf. I think I found it and have some question.

The problem was two nodes boot, join then cman shutdown with :
Oct 12 15:55:30 s64lmwbig3c openais[7672]: [MAIN ] Killing node
s64lmwbig3b because it has rejoined the cluster with existing state
Oct 12 15:55:30 s64lmwbig3c openais[7672]: [CMAN ] cman killed by node 1
because we rejoined the cluster without a full restart

Few seconds before, ntpd sync and jump forward with 7200 sec (2 hours,
my timzone is GMT + 2).

My questions are:
Which date do you set up in your bios (GMT, your time zone)?
Do you use ntpd ? all documentations say to use it.
What are best practices about ntp and RHCS?

Jean-Daniel BONNETOT

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