carlopmart napsal(a):
On 09/26/2011 01:34 PM, Jan Friesse wrote:
Please take your time to read how RHEL release process works, but
basically and shortly. Ya, it's called EUS (Z-stream), and primary
purpose is for really hard/security bugs. To be honest, 709758 may be
annoying bug, but it doesn't fit to Z-stream very well, especially
because it can be seen only in very special conditions/broken
But problem described in 709758 appears in my enviroment: One RHEL6.1
Please contact GSS (Global Support Service). They can help you to:
- Check if your configuration is valid
- Check if architecture is valid
- Give you "not yet" released package and/or hot fix
- Propose backport to Z-stream for given bug
-> Basically everything what you are/will pay them for.
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