How are you configuring the cluster? with conga? with system-config-cluster?
if you run clustat what does it shows?
If you use the command clusvcadm to start the services what happens?
any error in /var/log/messages?
2009/7/1 Giussani Andrea <Andrea.Giussani@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
i have a little big problem with RH Cluster Suite.
I have 2 cluster nodes with 1 partition to share between the 2 node. There is no SAN.
The node have the same hardware and the same partition.
I have 1 partition with drbd to sycronize the 2 nodes Primary/Primary.
I try in a lot type of configuration of Apache and Mysql package but i have the same problem.
The error is:
Jul 1 18:50:39 nodo1 luci[2581]: Unable to retrieve batch 1072342062 status from nodo2.local:11111: clusvcadm start failed to start Httpd:
nodo1 and nodo2 is the 2 nodes and httpd is the apache service.
Any idea???
I try the configuration in this procedure: for Mysql but the result is the same.
In attach my cluster.conf and drbd.conf
If we need more tell me please.
Thanks a lot
Andrea Giussani
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