Robert Hurst wrot
There is user-contributed fence_ilo patch listed somewhere in this
list worth investigating -- it runs A LOT FASTER than the stock one.
AFAIK, the fence_ilo does not use ssh, but a sort of web soap services
call via https. We have seen in production and testing that a typical
fencing operation using fence_ilo is 42-seconds, and a good percentage
of time, up to twice as long as that. The bladecenter fencing
operations we have seen occur in under 7-seconds.
Fence_ilo script available in newer updates is in python as it does not
have these problems. If you have one, please report it into bugzilla.
Fence_ilo is not using ssh as there were problems with several firmware
version and their ability to do hard-reboot. Their RIBCL (http/ssl)
language did not have such problems.
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