I've written a perl script, modeled after the fence_drac script, to control outlets on a TrippLite PDUMH15ATNET PDU, and I'd like to contribute it to the community. What do I need to do to make the cluster software (RHCS 5.2, under CentOS 5.2, cman version 2.0.84) aware of the new agent so that I can complete testing? I've tried adding fencing methods and new fencedevice entries to my cluster configuration, and there are no typos ("xmllint --noout /etc/cluster/cluster.conf" runs cleanly). There are no errors on the command-line or in log files when I use "ccs_tool update /etc/cluster/cluster.conf" and "cman_tool version" to update and propagate the new cluster configuration. However, when I run "xmllint --relaxng /usr/share/system-config-cluster/misc/cluster.ng /etc/cluster/cluster.conf 1> /dev/null" I get the following errors: Relax-NG validity error : Extra element fencedevices in interleave /etc/cluster/cluster.conf:2: element cluster: Relax-NG validity error : Element cluster failed to validate content /etc/cluster/cluster.conf:15: element device: validity error : IDREF attribute name references an unknown ID "sbia-infr2-tripplite" /etc/cluster/cluster.conf fails to validate Here's an subset of /etc/cluster.conf: ================================================================= <?xml version="1.0"?> <cluster alias="cluster" config_version="108" name="cluster> <fence_daemon clean_start="1" post_fail_delay="0" post_join_delay="30"/> <clusternodes> <clusternode name="infr2" nodeid="1" votes="1"> <fence> <method name="1"> <device modulename="" name="infr2-drac"/> </method> <method name="2"> <device name="sphereon" port="2"/> <device name="sphereon" port="6"/> </method> <method name="3"> <device name="infr2-tripplite"/> </method> </fence> </clusternode> <clusternode name="infr1" nodeid="2" votes="1"> <fence> <method name="1"> <device modulename="" name="infr1-drac"/> </method> <method name="2"> <device name="sphereon" port="0"/> <device name="sphereon" port="4"/> </method> <method name="3"> <device name="infr1-tripplite"/> </method> </fence> </clusternode> </clusternodes> <cman expected_votes="2" two_node="0"/> <fencedevices> <fencedevice agent="fence_mcdata" ipaddr="" login="Administrator" name="sphereon" passwd_script="getpw_sphereon"/> <fencedevice agent="fence_drac" ipaddr="" login="root" name="infr1-drac" passwd_script="getpw_infr1-drac"/> <fencedevice agent="fence_drac" ipaddr="" login="root" name="infr2-drac" passwd_script="getpw_infr2-drac"/> <fencedevice agent="fence_tripplite" name="infr1-tripplite" ipaddr="pdu1" passwd_script="getpw_infr2-drac" operation="off" receptacle1="1" receptacle2="3"/> <fencedevice agent="fence_tripplite" name="infr2-tripplite" ipaddr="pdu1" passwd_script="getpw_infr2-drac" operation="off" receptacle1="2" receptacle2="4"/> </fencedevices> ================================================================= Finally, I'd like to warn people away from using the TrippLite PDU model PDUMH15ATNET as a fencing device. While it seems to have nice features, it has a design choice that is a serious problem with fencing--when a command is given to power down an outlet, there is a "random" delay (observed to be about 17 to 35 seconds) before that command is executed. This has been acknowledged by TrippLite support as a design choice, with no option or setting to override this behavior. Thanks, Mark -- Linux-cluster mailing list Linux-cluster@xxxxxxxxxx https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/linux-cluster