Re: New fencing method

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On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 01:47:20PM -0400, James Parsons wrote:
> Lon Hohberger wrote:
> >I'd recommend calling it something besides fence_snmp in the tree -
> >because other agents also use SNMP.  For example:
> >
> > fence_ethernet ?
> >
> Could you include some doc on how to use it, please? You can use one of 
> the existing agent man pages as a template.

Done and done.  I settled on fence_ifmib, since there's nothing
specific to ethernet about IF-MIB, and it could apply to many
different technologies.

Diff against today's git is attached.

Ross Vandegrift

"The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who
make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians
have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine
man in the bonds of Hell."
	--St. Augustine, De Genesi ad Litteram, Book II, xviii, 37
diff --git a/fence/agents/ifmib/README b/fence/agents/ifmib/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3468581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fence/agents/ifmib/README
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+This is an SNMP-based fencing agent for RHCS.  It was designed with the use-case
+of disabling ethernet ports on an iSCSI SAN, but could be used to disable any
+port on any SNMP v2c device that implementes the IF-MIB.
+The script requires PySNMP version 2 to be installed and working on all nodes
+in the cluster.  There are no requirements for any MIBs to be setup --- all of
+the required OIDs are hard-coded into the script.  Since the IF-MIB is an IETF
+standard, these identifiers are very widely supported and will not change.
+Typical usage:
+To use this agen with the switch used on the iSCSI network, you'll require:
+   1) A managed switch running SNMP.
+   2) An SNMP community with write privileges.
+   3) Permission to send SNMP through any ACLs or firewalls from the nodes.
+   4) The ifIndex associated with the ports being used by the cluster nodes.
+Consider a three-node cluster composed of A, B, and C.  Each node has two
+network interfaces - one used for network and cluster communication, the second
+used for iSCSI traffic.  If A needs to be fenced, B and C will run this script
+to administratively disable the switchport for A's connection to the iSCSI
+If you are using a single interface for cluster and iSCSI traffic, this will
+still work, but you will lose network connectivity to the fenced host.
+There is no GUI support for this fence agent at this time.  To use it, you will
+need something like this cluster.conf
+<fencedevice agent="fence_snmp" name="myswitch" comm="fencing" ipaddr="sw1"/>
+In a node's fencing methods, you'll include a line like this:
+<device name="myswitch" ifindex="43" option="off"/>
+This node will be fenced by disabling the port with ifIndex 43 on the host sw1.
+In SNMP speak, we set IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.43 = down(2).
diff --git a/fence/agents/ifmib/ b/fence/agents/ifmib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3de9fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fence/agents/ifmib/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+# fabric fencing for RHCS based on setting a network interface
+# to admin down.  Intended to be used for iSCSI connections, can be used with
+# anything that supports the IF-MIB and SNMP v2c.
+# Written by Ross Vandegrift <ross@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Ross Vandegrift
+#  This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+#  modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
+#  of the GNU General Public License v.2.
+import os
+os.environ['PYSNMP_API_VERSION'] = 'v2'
+import sys, getopt, random, socket
+from pysnmp import role, v2c, asn1
+ifAdminStatus = '.'
+up = 1
+down = 2
+testing = 3
+def usage():
+    line = '\t%s\t%s'
+    print ''
+    print 'This script fences a node by sending a command via SNMP to set'
+    print 'ifAdminStatus to down.  It is designed to kill node access'
+    print 'to the shared storage.  It only supports SNMP v2c.'
+    print ''
+    print 'Usage: fence_ifmib [options]'
+    print line % ('-h', '\tPrint usage')
+    print line % ('-V', '\tRun verbosely')
+    print line % ('-c [private]', 'Write community string to use')
+    print line % ('-a [hostname]', 'IP/hostname of SNMP agent')
+    print line % ('-i [index]', 'ifIndex entry of the port ')
+    print line % ('-o [action]', 'One of down, up, or status')
+def vprint(v, s):
+    if v:
+        print s
+def parseargs():
+    try:
+        opt, arg = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], 'hVc:v:a:i:o:')
+    except getopt.GetoptError, e:
+        print str (e)
+        usage ()
+        sys.exit (-1)
+    comm = ipaddr = ifindex = option = verbose = None
+    for o, a in opt:
+        if o == '-h':
+            usage ()
+            sys.exit (-1)
+        if o == '-V':
+            verbose = True
+        if o == '-c':
+            comm = a
+        if o == '-a':
+            ipaddr = a
+        if o == '-i':
+            try:
+                ifindex = int(a)
+            except:
+                sys.stderr.write ('fence_ifmib: ifIndex must be an integer\n')
+                usage ()
+                sys.exit (-1)
+        if o == '-o':
+            option = a
+            if option not in ('on', 'off', 'status'):
+                sys.stderr.write ('fence_ifmib: option must be one of on, off, or status\n')
+                usage ()
+                sys.exit (-1)
+    if comm == None or ipaddr == None or ifindex == None \
+            or option == None:
+        sts.stderr.write ('All args are madatory!\n')
+        usage ()
+        sys.exit (-1)
+    return (comm, ipaddr, ifindex, option, verbose)
+def parsestdin():
+    params = {}
+    for line in sys.stdin:
+        val = line.split('=')
+        if len (val) == 2:
+            params[val[0].strip ()] = val[1].strip ()
+    try:
+        comm = params['comm']
+    except:
+        sys.stdout.write ('fence_ifmib: Error reading community string\n')
+        sys.exit (1)
+    try:
+        ipaddr = params['ipaddr']
+    except:
+        sys.stdout.write ('fence_ifmib: Error reading destination IP/host\n')
+        sys.exit (1)
+    try:
+        ifindex = params['ifindex']
+    except:
+        sys.stdout.write ('fence_ifmib: Error reading ifindex\n')
+        sys.exit (1)
+    try:
+        option = params['option']
+    except:
+        option = 'off'
+    return (comm, ipaddr, ifindex, option)
+def snmpget (host, comm, oid):
+    req = v2c.GETREQUEST ()
+    encoded_oids = map (asn1.OBJECTID().encode, [oid,])
+    req['community'] = comm
+    tr = role.manager ((host, 161))
+    rsp = v2c.RESPONSE ()
+    (rawrsp, src) = tr.send_and_receive (req.encode (encoded_oids=encoded_oids))
+    rsp.decode (rawrsp)
+    if rsp['error_status']:
+        raise IOError('SNMP error while reading')
+    oids = map (lambda x: x[0], map(asn1.OBJECTID ().decode, rsp['encoded_oids']))
+    vals = map (lambda x: x[0] (), map(asn1.decode, rsp['encoded_vals']))
+    return vals[0]
+def snmpset (host, comm, oid, type, value):
+    req = v2c.SETREQUEST (request_id=random.randint (1,2**16-1))
+    req['community'] = comm
+    tr = role.manager ((host, 161))
+    rsp = v2c.RESPONSE ()
+    encoded_oids = map (asn1.OBJECTID ().encode, [oid,])
+    encoded_vals = []
+    encoded_vals.append (eval ('asn1.' + type + '()').encode (value))
+    (rawrsp, src) = tr.send_and_receive (req.encode (encoded_oids=encoded_oids, encoded_vals=encoded_vals))
+    rsp.decode(rawrsp)
+    if rsp['error_status']:
+        raise IOError('SNMP error while setting')
+    oids = map (lambda x: x[0], map (asn1.OBJECTID().decode, rsp['encoded_oids']))
+    vals = map (lambda x: x[0] (), map (asn1.decode, rsp['encoded_vals']))
+    if vals[0] == value:
+        return vals[0]
+    else:
+        raise IOError('SNMP error while setting')
+def main():
+    if len (sys.argv) > 1:
+        (comm, host, index, option, verbose) = parseargs ()
+    else:
+        verbose = False
+        (comm, host, index, option) = parsestdin ()
+    try:
+        switch = socket.gethostbyname (host)
+    except socket.gaierror, err:
+        vprint (verbose, 'fence_ifmib: %s' % str (err[1]))
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if option == 'on':
+        value = up
+    elif option == 'off':
+        value = down
+    elif option == 'status':
+        value = None
+    if value:
+        # For option in (on, off) - write and verify
+        try:
+            r = snmpset (switch, comm, ifAdminStatus + str (index), 'INTEGER', value)
+        except:
+            sys.stderr.write ('fence_ifmib: Error during snmp write\n')
+            sys.exit (1)
+        try:
+            s = int (snmpget (switch, comm, ifAdminStatus + str (index)))
+        except:
+            sys.stderr.write ('fence_ifmib: Error during fence verification\n')
+            sys.exit (1)
+        if s == value:
+            vprint (verbose, 'fence_ifmib: action %s sucessful' % option)
+            sys.exit (0)
+        else:
+            vprint (verbose, 'fence_ifmib: action %s failed' % option)
+            sys.exit (1)
+    else: # status
+        try: 
+            r = int (snmpget (switch, comm, ifAdminStatus + str (index)))
+        except:
+            sys.stderr.write ('fence_ifmib: Error during snmp read\n')
+            sys.exit (1)
+        if r == up:
+            vprint (verbose, 'fence_ifmib: Port is admin up')
+            sys.exit (0)
+        elif r == down:
+            vprint (verbose, 'fence_ifmib: Port is admin down')
+            sys.exit (2)
+        elif r == testing:
+            vprint (verbose, 'fence_ifmib: Port is admin testing')
+            sys.exit (2)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/fence/man/fence_ifmib.8 b/fence/man/fence_ifmib.8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b66aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fence/man/fence_ifmib.8
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.\"  Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+.\"  This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+.\"  modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
+.\"  of the GNU General Public License v.2.
+.TH fence_ifmib 8
+fence_ifmib - I/O Fencing agent for IF-MIB capable SNMP devices
+fence_ifmib is an I/O Fencing agent which can be used with any IF-MIB capable
+SNMP device.  It was written with managed ethernet switches in mind, in order
+to fence iSCSI SAN connections.  However, there are many devices that support
+the IF-MIB interface.  The agent uses IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus to control the
+state of an interface.
+fence_ifmib accepts options on the command line as well as from stdin.  
+Fenced sends parameters through stdin when it execs the agent.  fence_ifmib 
+can be run by itself with command line options.  This is useful for testing.
+\fB-a\fP \fIIPaddress\fR
+IP address or hostname of the SNMP agent to be written.
+Print out a help message describing available options, then exit.
+\fB-c\fP \fIcommunity\fR
+The write community string to be used in the request.
+\fB-i\fP \fIiIindex\fR
+The ifIndex of the interface to be acted upon.  This will need to be determined
+manually prior to configuration.
+\fB-o\fP \fIaction\fR
+The action required.  off (default), on, or status.  off sets ifAdminStatus
+down, on sets ifAdminStatus up, and status returns the current state.
+Verbose.  Print informational messages to standard out.
+\fIagent = < param >\fR
+This option is used by fence_node(8) and is ignored by fence_ifmib.
+\fIipaddr = < hostname | ip >\fR
+IP address or hostname of the device.
+\fIcomm = < param >\fR
+Write community string to be used in the request.
+\fIifindex = < param >\fR
+The ifIndex of the interface to be acted upon.
+\fIoption = < param >\fR
+The action required.  off (default), on, or status.
+fence(8), fence_node(8)
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