This is already configured that way - is'nt there a quick way to
shutdown the entire virtual/physical clusters at once ?
Lon H. Hohberger ha scritto:
On Thu, 2008-01-24 at 11:36 +0100, Paolo Marini wrote:
Thanks for the answer, I suspected that failover domains could do the
trick, I will try this solution.
Anyway, shutdown is for me still unclear.
starting up a cluster involves starting the cman daemon, clvmd, gfs,
mounting the gfs filesystems and starting rgmanager. Stopping cman does
not work on a cluster, because the other nodes still think that the
shutting down node is up, and they end fencing it if it is no more
responding. In fact, the shutdown procedures of a single node involves the
removeal of the node from both the fencing and cman agents (fence_tool
remove and cman_tool leave remove commands).
So stopping the daemons is not enough. Beside this, the ordered shutdown
of a physical/virtual cluster requires the shutdown of the virtual first
then of the physical cluster.
Also, chkconfig --del xendomains if you haven't already. Otherwise,
xendomains might start up domains you're trying to manage with rgmanager
- not good!
-- Lon
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