Hi All,
I am in the process of bringing a new iSCSI device online and redoing
some of my SAN architecture and I have a few questions that I hope you
might be able to help with.
The fundamental goal here is to build a two-node active/passive cluster
to serve as a NAS head with two iSCSI Promise arrays serving as the
storage devices. One very desirable requirement is to be able to serve
up all the disk storage as a single mount point (ie, be able to publish
a samba share that spans both iSCSI devices).
Now, I've heard that GFS will work on raw partitions and within the CLVM
context, and I'm tempted to use the raw devices for simplicity, but I'm
not certain that GFS will allow me to build a partition that spans two
physical devices.
If anybody could take a moment or two to enlighten me on the benefits of
raw devices v. clvmd, I'd be most grateful.
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