On Fri, 24 Aug 2007, Nikolas Lam wrote:
> > It turned out to be a switch-related multicast problem: openais used the
> > default(?) address, while the switch strangely enough passes
> > the 224.0.0.x addresses only. So by setting the multicast address in
> > cluster.conf explicitly to cured the problem.
> I think I might be having similar problems. However I seem to be unable
> to specify a multicast address manually using conga / luci (the web
> based tool).
> Could I please have a look at your cluster.conf?
Sure, I attached ours. Please note, you must specify the multicast address
for cman and every clusternode too and the address must be the same
everywhere. (See
Best regards,
E-mail : kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PGP key: http://www.kfki.hu/~kadlec/pgp_public_key.txt
Address: KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics
H-1525 Budapest 114, POB. 49, Hungary
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cluster name="kfki" config_version="6">
<multicast addr=""/>
<clusternode name="lxserv0-gfs" nodeid="1">
<method name="fabric">
<device name="aoe" hostname="lxserv0" mac="00:07:E9:11:70:A3"/>
<multicast addr="" interface="eth1"/>
<clusternode name="lxserv1-gfs" nodeid="2">
<method name="fabric">
<device name="aoe" hostname="lxserv1" mac="-00:16:76:83:1E:13"/>
<multicast addr="" interface="eth1"/>
<clusternode name="web0-gfs" nodeid="3">
<method name="fabric">
<device name="aoe" hostname="web0" mac="00:07:E9:11:71:C1"/>
<multicast addr="" interface="eth1"/>
<clusternode name="web1-gfs" nodeid="4">
<method name="fabric">
<device name="aoe" hostname="web1" mac="00:16:76:83:0B:EB"/>
<multicast addr="" interface="eth1"/>
<clusternode name="saturn-gfs" nodeid="5">
<method name="fabric">
<device name="aoe" hostname="saturn" mac="00:1B:21:00:31:17"/>
<multicast addr="" interface="eth1"/>
<fencedevice name="aoe" agent="fence_aoe"/>
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