Re: rgmanager on debian

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node2:/usr/share/cluster# clusvcadm -d hosting
Member node2 disabling hosting...success
node2:/usr/share/cluster# rg_test test /etc/cluster/cluster.conf start service hosting
Running in test mode.
Starting hosting...
/usr/share/cluster/ line 729: logAndPrint: command not found
/usr/share/cluster/ line 729: logAndPrint: command not found
<info>   Executing /etc/init.d/httpd start
<info>   Executing /etc/init.d/proftpd start
Starting ftp server: proftpd.
Start of hosting complete
+++ Memory table dump +++
 0xb74d0694 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74d7b4c (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74cfbb8 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74d6e34 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74c5270 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74d70b8 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74cfd64 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74cf61c (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74dd82c (776 bytes) allocation trace:
--- End Memory table dump ---
node2:/usr/share/cluster# rg_test test /etc/cluster/cluster.conf stop service hosting
Running in test mode.
Stopping hosting...
<info>   Executing /etc/init.d/httpd stop
<info>   Executing /etc/init.d/proftpd stop
Stopping ftp server: proftpd.
<info>   unmounting /dev/mapper/Hosting-Hosting_data (/usr/hosting)
<info>   unmounting /dev/mapper/Hosting-TMP_Data (/tmp)
Stop of hosting complete
+++ Memory table dump +++
 0xb74e0694 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74e7b4c (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74dfbb8 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74e6e34 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74d5270 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74e70b8 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74dfd64 (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74df61c (16 bytes) allocation trace:
 0xb74ed82c (776 bytes) allocation trace:
--- End Memory table dump ---
node2:/usr/share/cluster# clusvcadm -e hosting
Member node2 trying to enable hosting...failed

Pavel D.Kuzin
System Administrator
Nodex  ISP
St. Petersburg, Russia

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lon Hohberger" <lhh@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "linux clustering" <linux-cluster@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2:37 AM
Subject: Re:  rgmanager on debian

On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 06:22:46PM -0400, Lon Hohberger wrote:
On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 09:06:21PM +0400, Pavel D. Kuzin wrote:
> I`m trying to understand source of  error=32 but i can`t....
It's the return code of the mount command.

Could you run:

clusvcadm -d hosting-httpd
rg_test test /etc/cluster/cluster.conf start service hosting-httpd
rg_test test /etc/cluster/cluster.conf stop service hosting-httpd
(and get the output...)

Lon Hohberger - Software Engineer - Red Hat, Inc.

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