Patrick Caulfield wrote:
cman_tool services will show you the lockspaces (amongst other things)
It's showing multiple lockspaces:
DLM Lock Space: "clvmd" 2 3 run -
[2 3 5 1 4]
This would be the clvmd lockspace then ?
The once below correspond to the 4 gfs logical volumes we mount from
this particular shared storage
DLM Lock Space: "e1.1-lv" 3 4 run -
[2 3 5 1 4]
DLM Lock Space: "e1.2" 5 6 run -
[2 3 5 1 4]
DLM Lock Space: "e2.1-lv" 7 8 run -
[2 3 5 1 4]
DLM Lock Space: "e2.2" 9 10 run -
[2 3 5 1 4]
I suspect that the other cluster uses the same clvmd lockspace "clvmd"
How do we set a different clvm lockspace on the other, currently
disabled cluster ?
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