Thanks a lot Bob
gfs2 turned out to be the culprit. I had assumed that since I was
installing gfs from source, I wouldn't need gfs2-utils rpm. As a
result, /sbin/mount.gfs became a broken symlink to /sbin/mount.gfs2.
Installing gfs2-utils solved the problem.
What I am surprised at is that theere was no indication of a missing
executable in either the error messages or /var/log/messages. Also the
can't mount journal #4294967295
Jan 20 18:45:45 clnode31 kernel: GFS: fsid=alpha:third.4294967295:
there are only 8 journals (0 - 7)
led me to believe that the filesystem had somehow got corrupted.
I have a few more questions that I am posting in a different message
Yours Sincerely
Ashish Varman
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