Now i'm trying this and it works! for now...
Two nodes: node3 & node4
node4 export his /dev/sdb2 with gnbd_export as "node4_sdb2"
node3 import node4's /dev/sdb2 with gnbd_import (new
on node3: gfs_mkfs -p lock_dlm -t node3:node3_gfs -j 4
mount -t gfs /dev/gnbd/node4_gfs /users/home
on node4: mount -t gfs /dev/sdb2 /users/home
and both nodes can read an write ths same files on /users/home!!!
Now i'm going for this:
4 nodes on a dedicated 3com 1Gbit ethernet switch:
node2 exporting with gnbd_export /dev/sdb2 as "node2_sdb2"
node3 exporting with gnbd_export /dev/sdb2 as "node3_sdb2"
node4 exporting with gnbd_export /dev/sdb2 as "node4_sdb2"
node1 (main) will import all "nodeX_sdb2" and create a logical volume
"main_lv" including:
/dev/sdb2 (his own)
Forgot to say if you want to proceed with above, ... node1 has to import
its own GNBD sdb2 export. The key idea to keep in mind is that if you
have any "local" configuration, other node would not be able to see it.
I also assume you've installed CLVM (lvm2) - that is "cluster LVM", not
the plain LVM.
-- Wendy
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