hi Mike
are there any error messages when you try to start things up? Between
the list members and Google, something should match or be able to give
an indication of how to progress on your config.
Are there any specific sections in the official documentation that you
find unclear? (there are a number of open bugzillas on the RHCS
documentation). However, the documentation is reasonably complete. IMHO,
the chances are fairly small that the documentation is
incomplete/unusable to such an extent that someone else would be writing
/ maintaining a separate, more understandable LVS howto.
If the vendor-provided docs don't work for you, perhaps a generic howto
(I found one at http://www.austintek.com/LVS/LVS-HOWTO/HOWTO/ ) might
give you better mileage.
If you are not misreading the documentation (others have been able to
set up IPVS using the RH docs), you may have stumbled on a mistake/omission.
From personal experience I know that if I had to write up the problem
that I am having, retracing my steps, rereading the docs, manpages and
looking in detail at the error messages, there is a good chance that I
might solve the problem myself, without submitting a query to either
this list or Red Hat Support.
isplist@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
This is where I started, on the redhat site. Ended up with problems, have not
been able to find enough to get past the errors.
For example, the services won't turn on for some reason, at least Piranha says
the daemon is stopped. Everything seems to be running when I ps from the
command line.
Anyhow, I'll keep looking, thanks for the lead.
Anyone know of a CLEAR and easy to understand document on setting up a
Piranha LVS load balancing setup? I've read everything I can find and since
clear enough?
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