Greg Forte wrote:
Lon, I use original's postfix script and returns this if postfix is
up: "master (pid 957) is running..." when postfix isn't up, script
returns: "master is stopped". Do I need to change this message to "0"
for status check works ok??
That's just a message that's printed. return status is the value given
in a statement of the form 'return X', or 0 if no such statement is
explicitly reached. All executables return a status value to the shell,
where 0 is taken to mean "OK", and non-zero means "something bad happened".
The postfix script appears to return the correct values in each case.
My guess would be that it's cluster configuration problem, but I didn't
see anything about postfix in the conf that you pasted ...
Lon, I have attached postfix script
Then, I can't startup only one node, when both are stopped, right??
No, you definitely can do this, if the cluster is configured correctly.
The problem may be in your fencing method - the first thing the booted
node will do when cman starts is to try to contact the other node. When
it times out, it'll try to fence the other node and won't continue until
it does. If the fence process fails, it'll hang there, which I'm
guessing is what you're seeing. So the problem is most likely that
fencing is failing, either due to misconfiguration or because the other
node is powered off and so its iLo agent isn't responding. Since iLo is
supposed to be able to power-up a switched-off server, my guess is
there's a problem with your fencing configuration - did you fix it so
that you have a separate fencedevice entry for each node?
I have changed iLO fence for gnbd fence. But can not boot only one node.
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CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com
# postfix Postfix Mail Transfer Agent
# chkconfig: 2345 80 30
# description: Postfix is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program \
# that moves mail from one machine to another.
# processname: master
# pidfile: /var/spool/postfix/pid/
# config: /etc/postfix/
# config: /etc/postfix/
# Based on startup script from Simon J Mudd <sjmudd@xxxxxxxxx>
# 25/02/99: Mostly s/sendmail/postfix/g by John A. Martin <jam@xxxxxxxxx>
# 23/11/00: Changes & suggestions by Ajay Ramaswamy <ajayr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
# 20/01/01: Changes to fall in line with RedHat 7.0 style
# 23/02/01: Fix a few untidy problems with help from Daniel Roesen.
# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
# Source networking configuration.
. /etc/sysconfig/network
# Check that networking is up.
[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 0
[ -x /usr/sbin/postfix ] || exit 0
[ -d /opt/cluservices/postfix-imss ] || exit 0
[ -d /opt/cluservices/spool/postfix-imss ] || exit 0
start() {
# Start daemons.
echo -n "Starting postfix: "
/usr/sbin/postfix -c /opt/cluservices/postfix-imss start 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/postfix-imss
return $RETVAL
stop() {
# Stop daemons.
echo -n "Shutting down postfix: "
/usr/sbin/postfix -c /opt/cluservices/postfix-imss stop 2>/dev/null 1>&2 && success || failure
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/postfix-imss
return $RETVAL
# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
exit 0
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status}"
exit 1
exit $?
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