Hello friends
I've problem with my Centos 4.3.
On start some information:
1. serwer HP DL 380 x Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.40GHz
2. RAM 4GB
3. HDD storage FC
4. kernel 2.6.9-34.0.2.ELsmp #1 SMP
This serwer is working with another one (that some configuration) in
RHEL cluster (locking by DLM), as a file serwer with samba-3.0.22. Samba
have about 100 simultaneus sessions. Problem is with load of my system.
It's growing up. I disabled/enabled samba processes, disabled backup
system, disabled antyvirus for samba, but this didn't help. CPU
utilization is 5-10%, ram utilization ~2GB. I don't have any idea what's
wrong. Any suggestion?
Sorry for my english

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