Nicholas Anderson wrote:
Hi again all .....
I guess i'm starting to understand how the things should work ....
I was reading about GFS and all the documents that i found suppose
that you have a storage with a SAN and 2 or more machines connected
through FC to the SAN.
Well, it seems to me that in this case the storage or the SAN switch
still being one single-point-of-failure right? If the storage or SAN
goes down, the whole service will be offline right ?
First of all, you (should) have redundant FC-switches (mulipathing).
Then, your storage has (should have) multiple controllers. Eg. HP EVA
If that isn't enough, there are solution to mirror the storage at the
Usually, this is in the
and thus only used where the (lack of) downtime is worth the investment.
I thought that with GFS i could do something like a "Parallel FS"
where 2 (or more) machines would have the same data in their disks,
but this data would be synchronized in realtime ....
am i totally noob or there really has a way to make FS's work in
parallel, synchronizing in realtime?
I'd like to do this without having a SAN (cause i don't have one :-)
and i have only 1 storage ) and without leaving a
Let me try to explain exactly what I'm thinking ...
3 servers, each one with a 300GB SCSI disk (local, no FC) to be
synchronized with the others (through GFS?? mounted and shared as a
/data f.ex.), and one 36GB disk only for the SO.
All the servers would have smtp(sendmail with spamassassin and
clamav), imap and pop3 services running, and probably a squirrelmail.
You can have a master/slave solution with DRBD.
Is it possible to do this? Is it possible to get this data
synchronized in realtime ?
I don't think so.
Well, Google has sort-of a solution via their "Google Filesystem". But
not for you or me. :-(
Thanks again for your really really important answers, and sorry for
asking so much noob questions :-)
IMO, hardware is very reliable these days (if you choose wisely). Things
like DRBD seem (to me) only useful in very special cases - and I would
fear that DRBD might create more problems than it solves.
In your special case (email), if you can't afford a SAN, get a used
NetApp and store the maildirs there (qmail-style maildirs). Then
NFS-mount them on the "cluster-nodes".
The NetApp is reliable enough for these scenarios and depending on the
exact model, already contains a lot of redundancy in itself.