Re-routing since this was a reply to this thread originally started on a
different list:
OK, you've given most of the info I asked for, but not the primary IP
addresses of the machine's involved. My guess is that you've attempted
to use private 192.168.x.x addresses for the machines primary
interfaces, with a public address for the cluster service. I'm guessing
this won't work, but I don't really know for sure. Where is the address (that shows up in your log snippet) being used? Judging
from the cluster.conf, it's not the cluster service address; is it the
primary address (on eth0) of one of the machines, or is it the heartbeat
(eth1) address, or none of the above?
Razi Ahmad wrote:
Thanks for the response and for pointing out the existence of the linux-cluster mailing list; I just subscribed and will be posting my question there as well.
I've attached my cluster.xml file. Also, when I refer to starting "local cluster services", I'm using the menu item terminology as I'm a newbie at this.
Thanks again,
Razi Ahmad
Network Administrator
Information Technology
Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University
----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Forte <gforte@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:51 pm
Subject: Re: [rhn-users] Red Hat Cluster Suite Question
Please paste or attach your cluster.conf, and show the exact
you're using when you start the "local cluster services" (not sure
you mean by "local" in this context) and when you "try manually
the service". Also, what are the primary IP addresses (configured
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*). I suspect that you are
either trying to use a cluster service IP address that is not in
same subnet as the primary IP addresses, or else that you are
trying to
use one of the primary IP addresses as the cluster service IP
but those are only guesses until I see all the info.
BTW, this sort of question is much more likely to get answered on
linux-cluster list:
I highly recommend you join it if you haven't already.
Razi Ahmad wrote:
I have two servers running RHEL 3 (installed/configured
identically via kickstart) with Red Hat Cluster Suite 3 installed
on both. What we want to do is to create a two-node Active/Passive
failover cluster for our mail store running Sun JES Messaging
Server 6.1. The shared storage is on an EMC CLARiiON CX500 SAN.
I have created the shared partition (and raw devices) using
parted and have connected the heartbeat link between both machines
using a crossover cable. I've assigned IP addresses on the same
subnet to each of the NICs dedicated for the heartbeat link; both
machines are able to ping each other through the heartbeat link.
I've also connected both servers to APC PDUs and have verified that
I can reboot one machine from the other using the clufence command.
I am able to start the local cluster services on both machines,
but when I try manually moving the service from one node to the
other, I get an error message that says "An error has occurred
while running a system command. Please check logs for details."
When I checked the cluster.log file (I modified my syslog settings
to log cluster messages to /var/log/cluster.log), I see the
following messages:
Jul 12 10:00:33 mailcluster-node1 clulockd[11744]: <err> select
error: No such device or address
Jul 12 10:00:33 mailcluster-node1 clulockd[11744]: <debug>
ioctl(fd,SIOCGARP,ar [eth0]): No such device or address
Jul 12 10:00:33 mailcluster-node1 clulockd[11744]: <warning>
Dropping connect from Not in subnet!
Jul 12 10:00:33 mailcluster-node1 clulockd[11744]: <err> select
error: No such device or address
Both machines are configured to use interface eth1 as the
heartbeat link, with eth0 on each machine connected to the rest of
our network.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Razi Ahmad
Network Administrator
Information Technology
Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cluconfig version="3.0">
<clumembd broadcast="no" interval="750000" loglevel="7" multicast="yes" multicast_ipaddress="" thread="yes" tko_count="20"/>
<cluquorumd loglevel="7" pinginterval="2" tiebreaker_ip=""/>
<clurmtabd loglevel="7" pollinterval="4"/>
<clusvcmgrd loglevel="7"/>
<clulockd loglevel="7"/>
<cluster config_viewnumber="36" key="fb17642ed64432283057fed0c6fac0b1" name="mail_cluster"/>
<sharedstate driver="" rawprimary="/dev/raw/raw1" rawshadow="/dev/raw/raw2" type="raw"/>
<member id="0" name="mailcluster-node1" watchdog="yes">
<powercontroller id="0" ipaddress="x.x.x.x" password="<password>" port="2" type="apcmaster" user="<username>"/>
<member id="1" name="mailcluster-node2" watchdog="yes">
<powercontroller id="0" ipaddress="x.x.x.x" password="<password>" port="1" type="apcmaster" user="<username>"/>
<service checkinterval="0" failoverdomain="mail-domain" id="0" maxfalsestarts="0" maxrestarts="0" name="sunmail" userscript="/etc/init.d/sunmail">
<service_ipaddress broadcast="" id="0" ipaddress="" monitor_link="0" netmask=""/>
<device id="0" name="/dev/emcpowerb1" sharename="">
<mount forceunmount="yes" fstype="ext2" mountpoint="/mstore" options="rw"/>
<failoverdomain id="0" name="mail-domain" ordered="yes" restricted="yes">
<failoverdomainnode id="0" name="mailcluster-node1"/>
<failoverdomainnode id="1" name="mailcluster-node2"/>
rhn-users mailing list
Greg Forte
IT - User Services
University of Delaware
Newark, DE