Raj Kumar a écrit :
> Hi,
> We are using GFS6.0 (no cluster suite) and NFS exports of the file
system. I am getting a transfer rate of about 35MB/sec. We have a high
speed SAN. Actually the transfer rate can be little higher but we
attribute the slow rate to NFS itself since we see the same numbers for
EXT3 also.
> Regards,
> Raj
Thank you for your answer.
I am upgrading to last GFS/DLM/CMAN kernel stuff and will retry.
I've ran bonnie++ with ext3 exported over nfs and it is really speeder
even if it's not what i expected. I got about 22 MB/s (r/w).
But i saw that nfsd was consuming a lot of CPU. The system load was 15 !!
I've also ran test with Suse SLES9 xfs exported over nfs. I got 40MB/s,
which is what aim to get with GFS ...
I don't understand ...
Is there anybody who export gfs over nfs with FC5 ?
Thanks by advance
On Tue, 30 May 2006 Olivier Thibault wrote :
I am testing RHCS on Fedora Core 5.
I have a shared gfs volume mounted on two nodes (using clvmd and lock_dlm).
Locally, everything is ok.
If I export the gfs volume via nfs, i obtain *very poor* performance.
For exemple, from a nfs client with dd, it take 90 seconds to create a 16 MB file !!!
From the cluster's nodes, the performances a good, and i made some tests exporting xfs over nfs, and it was good too.
So what's wrong with nfs+gfs ?
I would be very interested to know how guys who use this have configured it, and what performances they have.
Thanks for any advices.
Best regards
-- Olivier THIBAULT
Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Physique Théorique (UMR CNRS 6083)
Université François Rabelais
Parc de Grandmont - 37200 TOURS
Tél: +33 2 47 36 69 12
Fax: +33 2 47 36 69 56
Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Physique Théorique (UMR CNRS 6083)
Université François Rabelais
Parc de Grandmont - 37200 TOURS
Tél: +33 2 47 36 69 12
Fax: +33 2 47 36 69 56