Suppose the SAN exports only 1 logical device, and we have 4 GNBD servers connect to the SAN, and 32 application servers share the filesystem via GFS. So the disk on SAN is /dev/sdb on each GNBD server. Can we use "gnbd_export -d /dev/sdb -e test" to export the device a same name "test" on all GNBD servers, make every 8 GFS servers share a GNBD server, and the total 32 GFS nodes finally access the same SAN device?
What configuration is suggested for a high-performance GNBD server? How many client is fair for a GNBD server?
BTW, is it possible to run NFS service on GFS nodes, and make different client groups access different NFS servers, resulting in a lot of NFS clients access a same shared filesystem?
Gary Shi
-- Linux-cluster@xxxxxxxxxx