Hello, I am trying to set up a cluster with clumanager-1.2.3-1 and clumanager-1.2.3-1 and my boss desires a working quorum where the two members of the cluster use a cross over cable to interchange the necessary information for quorum between the two cluster members. The reason is that the company uses faulty switches so he considers using the main network interfaces of the servers not acceptable. I would like to know how I can obtain cluster quorum using the cross over cable. I have succesfully set up the cluster using the main network interface but I have failed miserably setting up the cluster quorum over the cross over cable network interface. I believe I have a routing problem. The route -n information for the cross over cable interface is Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 0 0 0 eth1 I am far from being a linux expert and in some things like clusters I am a newbie and I am not particularily strong on networking. For example until I started setting up the cluster I had never heard of the concepts tiebreaker IP or Multicast IP address. Any help would be appreciated. If somebody has managed to make this work could they please post their cluster.xml file? -- Linux-cluster@xxxxxxxxxx https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/linux-cluster