For the new GFS, that came out for the new update 5 kernel
(2.4.21-32.0.1), there isn't an athlon module.
Looking at the spec file from the source rpm, I cannot even make an
athlon kernel module without modifying the spec file. This is because
of the line
ExclusiveArch: i386 i686 ia64 x86_64 ia32e
which doesn't include athlon.
But the question is why is it not there in the first place?
Was this just an oversight?
Is there a reason that I shouldn't use this on an athlon?
If this was just a slipup, well then that's ok. But if there is a
reason I shouldn't use GFS on an athlon, I'd like to know.
Many Thanks
Troy Dawson
Troy Dawson dawson@xxxxxxxx (630)840-6468
Fermilab ComputingDivision/CSS CSI Group