Hi everybody,
I'm now trying to use the cluster logical volume manager. (/dev/hdb) debian--------------------------->buba (/dev/gnbd/dd) | --GNBD----> | |________(/dev/hdb)____>gump(/dev/gnbd/dd)
I create on buba or gump a logical volume of 1G (After launching the cluster and gnbd): buba#pvcreate /dev/gnbd/dd buba#vgcreate vg1 /dev/gnbd/dd buba#lvcreate -L1024 -n lv1 vg1 and #vgchange -a y on the three nodes, now the three nodes have /dev/vg1/lv1.
On one of the nodes I create en ext3 fs: #mkfs.ext3 -j /dev/vg1/lv1
I launch the rgmanager, which has to put a basic script which writes the name of the node running the script on a file in the ext3 fs.
All works well until the syslog from the node running the script shows:
Mar 7 15:19:53 gump clurgmgrd[3978]: <notice> status on fs "my fs" returned 1 (generic error)
/*There starts the problem I don't know why status (isMounted in /usr/share/cluster/fs.sh) returns a failure code...)*/
Mar 7 15:19:53 gump clurgmgrd[3978]: <notice> Stopping resource group hello
Mar 7 15:19:55 gump clurgmgrd[3978]: <notice> Resource group hello is recovering
Mar 7 15:19:55 gump clurgmgrd[3978]: <notice> Recovering failed resource group hello
Mar 7 15:19:55 gump clurgmgrd[3978]: <notice> start on fs "my fs" returned 2 (invalid argument(s))
/*Syslog is wrong there because the fs.sh is not ocf compliant, in fs.sh exit 2 does not meen wrong argument, but FAIL*/
Mar 7 15:19:55 gump clurgmgrd[3978]: <warning> #68: Failed to start hello; return value: 1
Mar 7 15:19:55 gump clurgmgrd[3978]: <notice> Stopping resource group hello
Mar 7 15:19:57 gump clurgmgrd[3978]: <notice> Resource group hello is recovering
Mar 7 15:19:57 gump clurgmgrd[3978]: <warning> #71: Relocating failed resource group hello
and on the other node:
ar 7 15:23:14 buba clurgmgrd[5205]: <notice> start on script "Hello Script" returned 1 (generic error)
Mar 7 15:23:14 buba clurgmgrd[5205]: <warning> #68: Failed to start hello; return value: 1
Mar 7 15:23:14 buba clurgmgrd[5205]: <notice> Stopping resource group hello
Mar 7 15:23:16 buba clurgmgrd[5205]: <notice> Resource group hello is recoverin
Also at this point the fs is mounted on the two nodes, which must normally never happen...
Is this problem a bug from clvm or from the fs.sh script?
I tried a more simple prototype, with gndb only (the script mounts /dev/gnbd/dd on the nodes and writes there) and everything works well, so I think the problem comes from clvm.
There is my cluster.conf : <?xml version="1.0"?> <cluster name="cluster1" config_version="1"> <clusternodes
<clusternode name="buba" votes="1"> <fence> <method name="single"> <device name="human" ipaddr=""/> </method> </fence> </clusternode>
<clusternode name="gump" votes="1"> <fence> <method name="single"> <device name="human" ipaddr=""/> </method> </fence> </clusternode>
<clusternode name="debian" votes="1"> <fence> <method name="single"> <device name="human" ipaddr=""/> </method> </fence> </clusternode> </clusternodes>
<fencedevices> <fencedevice name="human" agent="fence_manual"/> </fencedevices>
<rm> <failoverdomains>
<failoverdomain name="hellodomain">
<failoverdomainnode name="gump" priority="1"/>
<failoverdomainnode name="buba" priority="1"/>
<fs name="my fs" fstype="ext3" device="/dev/vg1/lv1" mountpoint="/mnt/gfs"/>
<script name="Hello Script" file="/root/script/hello_v2.sh"/>
<resourcegroup name="hello" domain="hellodomain" recovery="restart|relocate|disable">
<fs ref="my fs">
<script ref="Hello Script"/>
P.S: I modified the fs.sh as Jiho Hahm suggered the 26.02.05 adding
<child type="fs"/> <child type="script"/>
so that,
<fs ref="my fs">
<script ref="Hello Script"/>
is understood, and that the fs is mounted before the script is launched, and unmounted after the script is stopped.