no i didnt create the archive /etc/sysconfig/gfs ??? yet.
>actually i dont know how will i create it, im using a GFS document and that
is not mention in the doc.
how can i build it and what can i put in it ?
The only you have to do is: since a console of the system write:
[root@machinename]# nano /etc/sysconfig/gfs
then appear in the console this archive and write into it something like this;
POOLS="name_pool1 name_pool2 ...name_pooln" CCS_ARCHIVE="/dev/pool/name_pool_cluster"
(name_pool_cluster: pool created for the archive cca of the cluster that you are usign, in the administration guide of GFS6.0 appear like alpha_cca )
(You can create the file in other way of course)
With this archive the system on the boot or reboot try to stop ther services: gfs, lock_gulmd, ccsd and pool (I believe it!!!!)
Horóscopo, tarot, numerología... Escucha lo que te dicen los astros.