Hi all, I am planning to have a high availability setup with custom services and I am looking for an open source stable cluster manager. I was wondering if someone could share their experiences of using the Redhat CCS and CMAN modules in a production environment. I would also be interested if anyone has used these modules with services other than Redhat GFS and OpenGFS. I would basically like to know how stable and usable are the version available from the CVS. Also can it be used with any commercial software with little work ? Any suggestions or links to other similar open source modules for clustering and HA would also be helpful. regards, Gurbir. -- ______________________________________________ IndiaInfo Mail - the free e-mail service with a difference! www.indiainfo.com Check out our value-added Premium features, such as an extra 20MB for mail storage, POP3, e-mail forwarding, and ads-free mailboxes! Powered by Outblaze