Johnny Hughes wrote:
On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 04:09, chloong wrote:hi Johnny,
hi all, I am facing this unresolved symbol error when i do a depmod -a for gfs.
i am using kernel 2.4.21-15.0.3.EL. I actually re-compile the GFS using GFS-6.0.0-1.2.src.rpm from where it is able to compile under 2.4.21-15.0.3.EL version where as the one that i downloaded from RedHat is only be able to compile under 2.4.21-15.EL version.
I was able to compile it and installed but when i run depmod -a it complain that there are unresolved symbol for all the GFS modules....
Did you compile the version for your arch (i686, athlon)?
If you are running a i686 kernel, you need to compile with a target=i686 or if you have an athlon kernel, you need to compile with target=athlon
You can download the binary modules from my site as well and see if you have the same problem.
In order to compile the SRPM as written for a target=athlon you will
need to install (at least for the compile), kernel-unsupported,
kernel-smp, and kernel-source ... for target=i686 you need to install kernel-unsupported, kernel-smp, kernel-source, and kernel-hugemem
Johnny Hughes
I checked that my kernel version is correct using uname -r...
How could i go about this....? Please help....
-- Linux-cluster@xxxxxxxxxx
I had tried using your bin, both i386 & i686, but still have the same problem.
BTW, how could i know what target should i use? i am running on a x86 platform and i compile the kernel myself and i select the cpu type as 386 family with no smp support.
the kernel source i downloaded from rpmfind. The version is kernel-2.4.21-15.0.3.EL.src.rpm. I used back the kernel config file provided from this rpm and changed it to no smp support.
Everything are fine after reboot using this kernel. Then i compile the gfs source from your side. The compilation was successful. After installation, when i do a depmod -a, it still gave me unresolved symbol for gfs modules....
Please help!