Hello... Last year I looked at several distributed filesystems; OpenAFS, GFS, and NFS. This was for a specific project. I settled on NFS over LVM over software raid5. It works well except for a few NFS issues here and there. I really wanted to go with GFS but the lack of good documentation held me back. What would be ideal is a specific simple HOWTO on setting up a simple lab test setup. something like: replicated with failover server1 fs /important_data on /dev/sdb1 server2 fs /important_data on /dev/sdb1 client1 mount /important_data client2 mount /important_data with no FC, no shared scsi, no dual ethernet networks. Just the minimum hardware possible. Most labs already have this stuff laying around. yes? no? maybe? -- Christopher McCrory "The guy that keeps the servers running"