Re: Is it safe to set multiple OSD out across multiple failure domain?

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Before I replied, I wanted to renew my confidence and do a small test in a lab environment. I also created a k4m2 pool with host as failure-domain, started to write data chunks into it in a while loop and then marked three of the OSDs "out" simultaneously. After a few seconds of repeering backfill kicks in, I/O to the pool continues without interruption. So yeah, I also think it's safe to mark them out at the same time.

Zitat von Anthony D'Atri <aad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

It’s context-dependent, where the OSDs are. If they’re all in the same failure domain it’s safe, if you have capacity to recover into. Across failure domains, usually not.

The reason I asked is that several months back I got a off list reply from
a frequent poster on this list, that setting 3 OSDs out at the same time could
give me incomplete PGs as a result.

But a least now I have 2 saying is OK and 1 saying it's not so thank you
Alexander and Janne.

Kai Stian Olstad
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