reshard stale-instances

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Hi Everyone,
We've just completed undoing multisite to bring us back down to a
single zone/site. Now I'm working through cleaning things up. Heads
up, I'll probably have a few more questions over the next couple of
weeks :)
Firstly though, regarding "radosgw-admin reshard stale-instances
list". This brings back a decent list mostly of some test buckets that
were being deleted and recreated by an automated system. This has left
over 150k stale instances for each of three buckets. I know these ones
will be fine to delete as even if it messes up the bucket I can delete
and re-create them.
So my question is, how do I clean these up without using the big
hammer "radosgw-admin reshard stale-instances delete" to remove all of
them which would include some production buckets that I'm not quite
sure how to verify are stale?
Another thought that I had is maybe if I were to reshard all the
buckets up to the next prime now that we're on single zone would that
guarantee that all the stale instances are actually stale?
Any thoughts and tips would be much appreciated.

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