Adding device class to CRUSH rule without data movement

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I have an old Mimic cluster that I'm doing some cleanup work on and
adding SSDs, before upgrading to a newer version.

As part of adding SSDs, I need to switch the existing CRUSH rules to
only use the HDD device class first. Is there some way of doing this
that doesn't result in 100% data movement?

Simply replacing `step take default` with `step take default class hdd`
for every CRUSH rule seems to completely shuffle the cluster data. I
tried manually specifying the bucket IDs for the hdd hierarchy to at
least be in the same order as the bucket IDs for the primary hierarchy,
hoping having them sort the same would end up with the same data
distribution, but that didn't work either.

Is there some magic incantation to swap around the CRUSH rules/tree so
that it results in exactly the same data distribution after adding the
hdd class constraint? The set of potential OSDs should be identical
(there are no SSDs yet), so the data movement seems to be some
technicality of the CRUSH implementation... perhaps completely switching
around the main id and hdd-class id of all the buckets would do it? (I'm
a little afraid to mess with the main ids in a production cluster...).

This cluster is already having I/O load issues (that's part of why I'm
adding SSDs), so I'd really like to avoid a total data shuffle if possible.

- Hector
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