How to (permanently) disable msgr v1 on Ceph?

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For new clusters one of the first things I do is to disable messenger v1:

ceph config set mon ms_bind_msgr1 false

However, that is not enough, as a restart of the monitors will leave v1 enabled in the monmap. Why is that? That looks like a bug to me.

Therefore I explicitly set the addrs and port of the monitors, i.e.:

ceph mon set-addrs stefan-ceph-test01 $ip:3300
Be careful not to make a typo, that will ruin your day, see [1].

This immediately disables v1 and a new monmap is created.

All good, however ...

When a monitor is removed, say mon1, and added again, the new mon is added with both a v1 and a v2 address. I don't want that, I want to disable legacy v1 permanently. How do I do that?


ms_bind_msgr1 = false

to /etc/ceph/ceph.conf does not help either.

When I performed a test this morning on a fresh 18.2.4 cluster (remove a mon, add it back again) to reproduce this issue the v1 was enabled again on two monitors (a third was left with only v2).

Repeating the "ceph mon set-addrs" command removes the v1 binding again. But I would like to avoid messing around with this, triggering monmaps / elections, especially when making an error with this brings your cluster to a halt [1].

In what Ceph release will v1 be disabled by default on new clusters?

Gr. Stefan

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