[RGW] Full replication gives stale recovering shard

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Hello Cephers,
Since I didn't have any progress on my side, I share again my problem, hoping 
for some clues.


Since I was not confident in my replication status, I've done a radosgw sync 
init one after the other, in both of my zones.
Since then, there art stale recovering shards.
Incremental replication seems OK.
Cluster A sync status: 
realm 421c9bbd-83cc-4d85-a25a-ca847f225bfe (R)
zonegroup 2c5ccf52-88be-4b2f-b4b9-c55f73bbacd1 (ZG)
zone 3e3b0a2b-1864-4923-93a6-237a13b51594 (Z1)
current time 2025-02-06T19:03:10Z
zonegroup features enabled: resharding
disabled: compress-encrypted
metadata sync no sync (zone is master)
data sync source: aefd4003-1866-4b16-b1b3-2f308075cd1c (Z2)
full sync: 0/128 shards
incremental sync: 128/128 shards
data is behind on 3 shards
behind shards: [65,66,77]
oldest incremental change not applied: 2025-02-06T20:02:53.441838+0100 [66]
111 shards are recovering
recovering shards: 
Cluster B sync status:
realm 421c9bbd-83cc-4d85-a25a-ca847f225bfe (R)
zonegroup 2c5ccf52-88be-4b2f-b4b9-c55f73bbacd1 (ZG)
zone aefd4003-1866-4b16-b1b3-2f308075cd1c (Z2)
current time 2025-02-06T19:03:37Z
zonegroup features enabled: resharding
disabled: compress-encrypted
metadata sync syncing
full sync: 0/64 shards
incremental sync: 64/64 shards
metadata is caught up with master
data sync source: 3e3b0a2b-1864-4923-93a6-237a13b51594 (Z1)
full sync: 0/128 shards
incremental sync: 128/128 shards
data is behind on 7 shards
behind shards: [58,59,60,62,64,66,67]
oldest incremental change not applied: 2025-02-06T20:03:27.831651+0100 [60]
81 shards are recovering
recovering shards: 
Restarting full sync does nothing, except eventually adding recovering shards 
I also have some large omap objects in Z1.rgw.log pool.
Where I see a lot of objects with names beginning by bucket.sync-status.*.
What can I do to remove those recovering shards ?
Some trimming (bilog ?), deleting objects in Z1.rgw.log pool ?

I have some errors in radosgw-admin sync error list, but not really usefull :

failed to sync bucket instance: (125) Operation canceled
=> A racing condition exists between writes to the same RADOS object.

I also tried to rewrite all objects in buckets listed in thoses errors, with 
minimal size=0.
Nothing changed.

Thank you for reading.

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