Hi Giovanna,
El 11/3/25 a las 11:55, Giovanna Ratini escribió:
We are running Ceph in Proxmox with a 10G network.
Unfortunately, we are experiencing very low read rates. I will try to
implement the solution recommended in the Proxmox forum. However, even
80 MB per second with an NVMe drive is quite disappointing.
Forum link
For this reason, we are considering purchasing a 100G switch for our
This raises some questions:
Should I still use separate networks for VMs and Ceph with 100G?
I have read that running Ceph on bridged connections is not recommended.
Does anyone have experience with 100G Ceph in Proxmox?
Is upgrading to 100G a good idea, or will I have 60G sitting idle?
I think you should give more info on your setup and those low read rates
(what numbers? how do you get them?), so that community can suggest
If you're getting 80MB/s the network is not your bottleneck (10G is
1GB/s) and upgrading to 100G network won't help much.
Eneko Lacunza
Zuzendari teknikoa | Director técnico
Binovo IT Human Project
Tel. +34 943 569 206 | https://www.binovo.es
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