Re: Unintuitive (buggy?) CephFS behaviour when dealing with pool_namespace layout attribute

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Hi Florian,

Point 1 is certainly a bug regarding the choice of terms in the response (confusion between file and directory).

Point 2 is known (cf. and described in the documentation: only new files are written to the new pool after setting the new layout. The 'mv' command does not move the Rados objects associated with the file from one pool to another.
Only reading and rewriting the file does. What reflections/impediments led to this? I do not know.
But what you observed is expected.

Hope this helps,

De : Florian Haas <florian.haas@xxxxxxxxxx>
Envoyé : mercredi 5 mars 2025 14:07
À : ceph-users
Objet :  Unintuitive (buggy?) CephFS behaviour when dealing with pool_namespace layout attribute

Hello everyone,

I'm seeing some behaviour in CephFS that strikes me as unexpected, and I 
wonder if others have thoughts about it.

Consider this scenario:

* Ceph Reef (18.2.4) deployed with Cephadm running on Ubuntu Jammy, 
CephFS client is running kernel 5.15.0-133-generic.
* CephFS is mounted to /mnt, using a CephX identity that has rwp 
* CephFS is using a single data pool named cephfs_data.
* In the CephFS root directory, there is a subdirectory named 
"restricted". That subdirectory currently has a single file, 
"test2.bin", of 8 MiB.

There is no other data in the data pool. I can verify this with the 
following rados command:

rados -n client.cephfs -p cephfs_data ls

Now I run this, from the root of my mounted CephFS:

cd /mnt
setfattr -n ceph.dir.layout.pool_namespace -v restricted /mnt/restricted

I realise this is naughty, because there is currently a file named 
/mnt/restricted/test2.bin, and I'm not supposed to set layout attributes 
on a non-empty directory. However, the command does succeed, and I am 
able to read back the ceph.dir.layout xattr:

getfattr -n ceph.dir.layout restricted
# file: restricted
ceph.dir.layout="stripe_unit=4194304 stripe_count=1 object_size=4194304 
pool=cephfs_data pool_namespace=restricted"

If at this stage I try to read RADOS objects in the "restricted" 
namespace, I get an empty list:

rados -p cephfs_data -N restricted ls
(empty output)

Now I move my test file out of the restricted subdirectory and back in:

mv /mnt/restricted/test2.bin /mnt/
mv /mnt/test2.bin /mnt/restricted/

No change:

rados -p cephfs_data -N restricted ls
(empty output)

Next, I try moving the file out, and *copying* it back in:

mv /mnt/restricted/test2.bin /mnt/
cp  /mnt/test2.bin /mnt/restricted/

Now, I do see objects in the "restricted" namespace:

rados -p cephfs_data -N restricted ls

Also, if I create a *new* file in the "restricted" subdirectory, then 
its RADOS objects do end up in the correct namespace:

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/restricted/test3.bin count=3 bs=4M

rados -p cephfs_data -N restricted ls

By contrast, here's what happens to a non-empty *file,* when I try to 
set ceph.file.layout:

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/test4.bin count=4 bs=4M

setfattr -n ceph.file.layout.pool_namespace -v restricted test4.bin
setfattr: test4.bin: Directory not empty

So that fails, somewhat expectedly (although the error message is odd).

In summary, there are two things that confuse me here:

1. Why does setting ceph.dir.layout.pool_namespace on a non-empty 
directory succeed, when setting ceph.file.layout.pool_namespace on a 
non-empty file fails (and even confusingly with a "Directory not empty" 

2. Considering that setting ceph.dir.layout.pool_namespace on a 
non-empty directory does succeed, why does mv'ing a file to a directory 
with a different pool_namespace, and then mv'ing it back, not result in 
its RADOS objects moving to the other namespace?

So I'm curious: is this a bug (or two), or have I been misunderstanding 
what's actually the expected behaviour?

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