Re: Replace OSD while cluster is recovering?

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On 1/3/25 04:12, Gustavo Garcia Rondina wrote:
> Thank you for the suggestion. I started `ceph pg repair {pgid}` inconsistent PGs but so far, no effect to be seen. Is it possible to monitor the progress of the repairs? With `ceph progress` I can't see it, and for some reason `ceph -w` is hanging.

We sometimes issue `ceph pg repair` and nothing happens until we `ceph
osd set noscrub` and nodeepscrub. Once repair starts, we unset those again.

Also we use osd_scrub_auto_repair which helps avoid some of the manual
work, while osd_scrub_auto_repair_num_errors means we don't go a long
time without noticing disks which are dying.
Gregory Orange

System Administrator, Scientific Platforms Team
Pawsey Supercomputing Centre, CSIRO
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