Reef: draining host with mclock quicker than expected

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Hi *,

for a change, I just wanted to share some positive experience with mclock. On a customer cluster (recently upgraded to Reef), I drained one host with 23 HDD OSDs (1,1 TB size). And to my surprise, it took less than an hour until all PGs were backfilled. The OSDs weren't too full, I believe something around 1,6 TB had to be moved away from this host. But the recovery rates were quite nice, especially compared to what other users on Reef have been reporting. I saw values between several hundred MB to 2 or 3 GB per second. Most of the configs are default, especially with regards to mclock there haven't been any changes. Although the general recommendation is still to switch back to wpq, I haven't done that yet in this cluster. I usually wait until I encounter any issue pointing to mclock. But since this was a positive experience, I'll keep mclock enabled until otherwise required.

Have a nice weekend!
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