Re: Subject: Assistance Required: Vault Integration with RADOS Gateway for SSE-S3 Encryption

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I've been working on having SSE-S3 work too in the past few days with a v18 cluster (SSE-S3 is only available starting v17 IIRC).

First thing to check are the radosgw logs. Don't hesitate to increase them with `debug rgw 20/20` if possible, you'll see the error and vault interactions.

Then, you need to configure the radosgw properly. I had a bit of a hard time to figure it out from the docs, but here's my test configuration:

rgw_crypt_s3_kms_backend = vault

rgw_crypt_sse_s3_vault_secret_engine = transit
rgw_crypt_sse_s3_vault_auth = token
rgw_crypt_sse_s3_vault_token_file = /run/.rgw-vault-token
rgw_crypt_sse_s3_vault_addr =
rgw_crypt_sse_s3_vault_prefix = /v1/transit/
rgw_crypt_sse_s3_vault_verify_ssl = false

rgw_crypt_vault_secret_engine = kv
rgw_crypt_vault_auth = token
rgw_crypt_vault_token_file = /run/.rgw-vault-token
rgw_crypt_vault_addr =
rgw_crypt_vault_prefix = /v1/secret/data/
rgw_crypt_vault_verify_ssl = false

The sse_s3 configuration keys are the ones used for SSE-S3 while the other (crypt_vault) are used only for SSE-KMS (if I understood everything well).

From there and once I used the PutBucketEncryption API to use SSE-S3 as default, everything worked fine.

If that still doesn't work on your end, then I guess you'll need to share some logs / errors or request output!

Good hacking!
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