Re: Free space

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No, your available space hasn't increased.

If you start with 1 host at let's say 100TB capacity and size 1, your
available space is at most 100TB (ceph will actually not allow you to fill
drives to 100% by default)  - Available capacity = raw capacity
If you now add a second host also with 100TB capacity and increase pool
size to 2, your available space is still 100TB because all your data is now
stored twice - Available capacity = raw capacity / 2
If you go to 3 nodes and size 3 (which you should if you value your data)
then available capacity will still only be 100TB because all your data is
stored 3x - Available capacity = raw capacity / 3
Only if you add more nodes and keep the replication factor at 3 your
available space will increase.

A bit simplified but that's what it boils down to.

On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 at 06:48, quaglio@xxxxxxxxxx <quaglio@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello,
>      I recently installed a new cluster.
>      After the first node was working, I started transferring the files I
> needed. As I was in some urgency to do rsync, I enabled size=1 for the
> CephFS data pool.
>      After a few days, when I managed to place a new node, I put size = 2
> for that pool.
>      Replicas of existing objects are already being recorded, but the
> available space has not yet been updated.
>      The available space should automatically increase as I add more
> disks. Right?
>      Could you help me identify where I'm going wrong?
> Rafael.
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