Squid: Grafana host-details shows total number of OSDs

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as always, I looked briefly into the tracker but couldn't find anything related (yet). Not sure if this has been reported or not, but after I upgraded a customer cluster to Squid (19.2.0), Grafana was also upgraded to version 9.4.12. And now the host details show all 126 OSDs for each host instead of the number per host. The respecitve query is simply:

"expr": "count(sum by (ceph_daemon) (ceph_osd_metadata{cluster=~\"$cluster\", }))",

To me it looks like there's something missing after the comma, this query for example shows the actual number of OSDs on that host:

count(sum by (ceph_daemon) (ceph_osd_metadata{cluster=~"9bafee50-775c-11eb-9ed6-4c52620b498e",hostname="ses01"}))

If this has been already reported, could anyone point me to the according tracker? If not, I'd be happy to create a new one.

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