Re: NFS recommendations

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Hello Devin,

Last time I reviewed the code for orchestrating NFS, I was left
wondering how the keepalived-only mode can work at all. The reason is
that I found nothing that guarantees that the active NFS server and
the floating IP address would end up on the same node. This might have
been an old bug, already fixed since then - but I have not retested.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2025 at 4:53 AM Devin A. Bougie <devin.bougie@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi, All.
> We are new to Ceph, and looking for any general best practices WRT exporting a Cephfs file system over NFS.  I see several options in the documentation and have tested several different configurations, but haven’t yet seen much difference in our testing and aren’t sure exactly which configuration is generally recommended to start with.
> We have a single Cephfs filesystem in our cluster of 10 hosts.  Five of our hosts are OSDs with the spinning disks that make up our Cephfs data pool, and only run the osd services (osd, crash, ceph-exporter, node-exporter, and promtail).  The other five hosts are “admin” hosts that run everything else (mds, mgr, mon, etc.).
> Our current setup follows the "HIGH-AVAILABILITY NFS” documentation, which gives us an Ingress.nfs.cephfs service with the haproxy and keepalived daemons and a nfs.cephfs service for the actual nfs daemons.  If there are no downsides to this approach, are there any recommendations on placement for these two services?  Given our cluster, would it be best to run both on the admin nodes?  Or would it be better to have the ingress.nfs.cephfs service on the admin nodes, and the backend nfs.cephfs services on the osd nodes?
> Alternatively, are there advantages in using the “keepalive only” mode (only keepalived, no haproxy)?  Or does anyone recommend doing something completely different, like using Pacemaker and Corosync to manage our NFS services?
> Any recommendations one way or another would be greatly appreciated.
> Many thanks,
> Devin
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