Merge DB/WAL back to the main device?

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	Hi all,

while reading a sibling thread about moving DB/WAL to a separate device,
I wonder whether is it possible to go the other way round as well,
i.e. to remove a metadata device from an OSD and merge metadata back
to the main storage?

What I am trying to do:

My OSD nodes are 1U boxes with 4 drive bays, two of which support NVMe.
They have two small-ish NVMe drives and two large HDDs.
On NVMe, there is a partition for an OS (configured as RAID-1 across both
NVMe drives), and the rest of each NVMe is used as metadata for one of the
HDD-based OSDs. So I have two OSDs per node.

Now I am considering replacing those small NVMes with much larger ones,
and use part of them for an OS as before, part of them as metadata for the
HDD-based OSDs as before, and the rest as new NVMe-only OSDs.
Can this be done without tearing the original HDD+NVMe-based OSDs down
and recreating them again?

Being able to remove a metadata device from the OSD would help in this case.



| Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at { - work | - private}> |
|                        GPG: 4096R/A45477D5 |
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    when it's necessary to compromise.                     --Larry Wall
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