Response inline.
Zitat von Alan Murrell <Alan@xxxxxxxx>:
ceph-volume lvm new-db --osd-id 10 --osd-fsid
fb0e0a45-75a0-4400-9b1f-7568f185544c --target cephdb03/ceph-osd-db1
OMG, that worked. I hit a snag on the "migrate" command, but I
think I know what I need to do, but wanted to confirm.
When I ran:
ceph-volume lvm migrate --osd-id 10 --osd-fsid
fb0e0a45-75a0-4400-9b1f-7568f185544c --from
/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-10/block --target cephdb03/ceph-osd-db1
I got the following error:
ceph-volume lvm migrate: error: argument --from: invalid choice:
'/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-10/block' (choose from 'data', 'db', 'wal')
so I *think* I need to change the command to:
ceph-volume lvm migrate --osd-id 10 --osd-fsid
fb0e0a45-75a0-4400-9b1f-7568f185544c --from db --target
You didn’t have a dedicated db yet, you want to migrate it out of the
data device to the new block.db, so it’s --from data.
and I think that takes care of both the 'db' and the 'wal'? I
recall reading in another help doc that specifying just the 'db'
without also specifying 'wal' puts (or moves) the 'db' and the 'wal'
on to the same device?
Correct, wal is part of the db if not specified otherwise.
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