Squid: RGW overview freezes (this.dataArray[W] is undefined)

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I couldn't find an existing tracker yet, so I'm asking here if this already has been reported (or even fixed). Until now, I've only been playing around with virtual test clusters on Squid, and I noticed the dashboard freezes when I'm on the /rgw/overview page. This is what I get in the mgr log:

Jan 31 13:16:37 host2 ceph-mgr[2799]: [dashboard ERROR frontend.error] (https://IP:8443/#/rgw/overview): this.dataArray[W] is undefined updateChartData@https://IP:8443/main.5d76eec705c379ed.js:3:1175137 ngOnChanges@https://IP:8443/main.5d76eec705c379ed.js:3:1174390

The output is lengthy (around 100 lines), just wanted to give an impression. Clicking anywhere else doesn't really improve anything, only reloading the page lets you browse again. This seems to be related to "Multi-Site Sync Status" (which I don't have enabled), it seems to freeze while loading. But sometimes it does load successfully, showing the info ( Multi-site needs to be configured in order to see the multi-site sync status. Please consult the documentation on how to configure and enable the multi-site functionality.).

But I thought, maybe that's my lab environment or something. Last week I upgraded a customer cluster to 19.2.0 as well, and it shows the same behavior. Should I create a tracker issue?

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