Re: ceph-14.2.22 OSD crashing - PrimaryLogPG::hit_set_trim on unfound object

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did you make any progress with this? I can't really help with the stack trace, I'm happy that we could successfully decommission our cache tier last week (although it served us very well for almost nine years or so). You write that those cache tier OSDs are used for both cache tier and data pools. Maybe you can split that by moving the cache tier to different OSDs so there's no mixed use? I'm not very optimistic that this would mitigate the issue, we had such a setup for months during the transition to eventually remove the cache tier. But we had to switch off all VMs in order to safely get rid of the cache tier because it wouldn't let us flush the remaining header objects. But now we're finally in a state where we can plan the next upgrade.


Zitat von Nikola Ciprich <nikola.ciprich@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hello dear ceph users and developers,

today, we've hit issue on one of our legacy clusters running 14.2.22.

we've apparently lost two objects containing cache tier hit_set history.

when hit_set_trim hits missing object, it causes OSD to crash:

ceph version 14.2.22 (ca74598065096e6fcbd8433c8779a2be0c889351) nautilus (stable) 1: (ceph::__ceph_assert_fail(char const*, char const*, int, char const*)+0x141) [0x55714332faad]
 2: (()+0x4e8ca8) [0x55714332fca8]
3: (PrimaryLogPG::hit_set_trim(std::unique_ptr<PrimaryLogPG::OpContext, std::default_delete<PrimaryLogPG::OpContext> >&, unsigned int)+0xcd6) [0x557143626136]
 4: (PrimaryLogPG::hit_set_remove_all()+0x2d5) [0x5571436264b5]
 5: (PrimaryLogPG::on_activate()+0x55a) [0x5571436360aa]
6: (PG::RecoveryState::Active::react(PG::AllReplicasActivated const&)+0x130) [0x557143512b50] 7: (boost::statechart::simple_state<PG::RecoveryState::Active, PG::RecoveryState::Primary, PG::RecoveryState::Activating, (boost::statechart::history_mode)0>::react_impl(boost::statechart:: 8: (boost::statechart::simple_state<PG::RecoveryState::Activating, PG::RecoveryState::Active, boost::mpl::list<mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na, mpl_::na 9: (PG::do_peering_event(std::shared_ptr<PGPeeringEvent>, PG::RecoveryCtx*)+0x15d) [0x55714353c7ed] 10: (OSD::dequeue_peering_evt(OSDShard*, PG*, std::shared_ptr<PGPeeringEvent>, ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x211) [0x5571434555d1] 11: (PGPeeringItem::run(OSD*, OSDShard*, boost::intrusive_ptr<PG>&, ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x52) [0x557143723352] 12: (OSD::ShardedOpWQ::_process(unsigned int, ceph::heartbeat_handle_d*)+0x582) [0x557143443122] 13: (ShardedThreadPool::shardedthreadpool_worker(unsigned int)+0x3eb) [0x557143ac2f4b]
 14: (ShardedThreadPool::WorkThreadSharded::entry()+0x10) [0x557143ac5d30]
 15: (()+0x7ea5) [0x7f22383e5ea5]
 16: (clone()+0x6d) [0x7f22372a8b0d]

I've found old report of similar problem here:

however using the same patch:

diff -Naur ceph-14.2.22/src/osd/ ceph-14.2.22-fix-hit_set_trim/src/osd/ --- ceph-14.2.22/src/osd/ 2024-12-29 12:34:17.000000000 +0100 +++ ceph-14.2.22-fix-hit_set_trim/src/osd/ 2024-12-29 19:42:31.527632776 +0100
@@ -13932,11 +13932,13 @@

     ObjectContextRef obc = get_object_context(oid, false);
-    ceph_assert(obc);
-    --ctx->delta_stats.num_objects;
-    --ctx->delta_stats.num_objects_hit_set_archive;
-    ctx->delta_stats.num_bytes -= obc->obs.oi.size;
-    ctx->delta_stats.num_bytes_hit_set_archive -= obc->obs.oi.size;
+    //ceph_assert(obc);
+    if(obc){
+           --ctx->delta_stats.num_objects;
+           --ctx->delta_stats.num_objects_hit_set_archive;
+           ctx->delta_stats.num_bytes -= obc->obs.oi.size;
+           ctx->delta_stats.num_bytes_hit_set_archive -= obc->obs.oi.size;
+    };

causes OSD to crash later:

/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/ceph-14.2.22/src/osd/ In function 'virtual void PrimaryLogPG::op_applied(const eversion_t&)' thread 7f91e146d700 time 2024-12-29 19:58:13.880029 /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/ceph-14.2.22/src/osd/ 10457: FAILED ceph_assert(applied_version <= info.last_update) /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/ceph-14.2.22/src/osd/ In function 'virtual void PrimaryLogPG::op_applied(const eversion_t&)' thread 7f91df469700 time 2024-12-29 19:58:13.882629 /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/ceph-14.2.22/src/osd/ 10457: FAILED ceph_assert(applied_version <= info.last_update) ceph version 14.2.22 (ca74598065096e6fcbd8433c8779a2be0c889351) nautilus (stable) 1: (ceph::__ceph_assert_fail(char const*, char const*, int, char const*)+0x122) [0x55e07e95b815]
 2: (()+0x49899a) [0x55e07e95b99a]
 3: (PrimaryLogPG::op_applied(eversion_t const&)+0x1f2) [0x55e07eb9fef2]
4: (ReplicatedBackend::submit_transaction(hobject_t const&, object_stat_sum_t const&, eversion_t const&, std::unique_ptr<PGTransaction, std::default_delete<PGTransaction> >&&, eversion_t const&, eversion_t const&, std::vector<pg_log_entry_t, std::allocator<pg_log_entry_t> > const&, boost::optional<pg_hit_set_history_t>&, Context*, unsigned long, osd_reqid_t, boost::intrusive_ptr<OpRequest>)+0x720) [0x55e07ed411b0] 5: (PrimaryLogPG::issue_repop(PrimaryLogPG::RepGather*, PrimaryLogPG::OpContext*)+0xdc5) [0x55e07eba0cd5] 6: (PrimaryLogPG::simple_opc_submit(std::unique_ptr<PrimaryLogPG::OpContext, std::default_delete<PrimaryLogPG::OpContext> >)+0x9b) [0x55e07eba2acb]
 7: (PrimaryLogPG::hit_set_remove_all()+0x2e5) [0x55e07ebdcbf5]
 8: (PrimaryLogPG::on_pool_change()+0xeb) [0x55e07ebddc7b]
9: (PG::handle_advance_map(std::shared_ptr<OSDMap const>, std::shared_ptr<OSDMap const>, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&, int, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&, int, PG::RecoveryCtx*)+0x34f) [0x55e07eaf8c4f] 10: (OSD::advance_pg(unsigned int, PG*, ThreadPool::TPHandle&, PG::RecoveryCtx*)+0x2f6) [0x55e07ea482e6] 11: (OSD::dequeue_peering_evt(OSDShard*, PG*, std::shared_ptr<PGPeeringEvent>, ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x1b4) [0x55e07ea50a24] 12: (PGPeeringItem::run(OSD*, OSDShard*, boost::intrusive_ptr<PG>&, ThreadPool::TPHandle&)+0x4e) [0x55e07ecde60e] 13: (OSD::ShardedOpWQ::_process(unsigned int, ceph::heartbeat_handle_d*)+0xfea) [0x55e07ea5527a] 14: (ShardedThreadPool::shardedthreadpool_worker(unsigned int)+0x415) [0x55e07f032345]
 15: (ShardedThreadPool::WorkThreadSharded::entry()+0x10) [0x55e07f034740]
 16: (()+0x7ea5) [0x7f9203024ea5]
 17: (clone()+0x6d) [0x7f9201ee7b0d]

unfortunately here I don't have any clue how to proceed further.

I've increased hit_set_count to 32 and hit_set_period to 36000 thus
hopefully gaining some time (now OSD seem to be running).

Any ideas on how to safely get from this mess? I can't easily get rid of cache tier now since it's used by running VMs and what is worse, I'm not sure I won't hit same problem when deleting cache pool anyways - OSDs are shared by cache pool and NVME data pool so it's pretty
uncomfortable situation :-(

I'm using bluestore for all OSDs, so can't even try copying other hit_set within filestore..

I'll be very grateful for any help

with best regards

nikola ciprich

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